joi, 22 noiembrie 2007

cât costă - luaţi-o ca pe-o leapşă

primesc zilele astea un mesaj de la un prieten din austria cu pronunţate accente moroşene, că o stat pe Valea Vaser mai bine de-un an, deci le vorbeşte ca pe acolo. no, da de data asta îmi scrie mesaju următor în ingliş, şi cheamă la participare cetăţenească, citiţi şi voi şi poate contribuiţi la cauza lui nobilă:

after talking to lots of people in austria about romania and how life is there and what the ue changed or not, i came up with the idea to make a comparison of costs of living in romania and austria, just to have some numbers and not be dependent on how you "feel" about life expenses. so therefore i made a little excel-sheet and wanted to ask you if you could maybe fill in some prices you know and/or forward it to other people you know and ask them to send it back to my email the idea to have more than one person to fill out this file is so that i can get average estimations or prices and maybe therefore an better idea about reality. it does not need have all the lines filled out, i guess i will get some realistic numbers when some people could send it back to me.

deci, iacă-tă produsele, poate aveţi timp să completaţi. ideea este ca ceea ce pesef ar vrea să vadă sunt două feluri de preţuri- varianta ieftină (berea de la bomba din colţul străzii) dar şi cea mai scumpă (berea în barul ăla la care vă duceţi din ani în paşti că salariul e aşa cum scrie la ultima linie a tabelului;)

Product amount

cheap version in RO

expensive version in RO

Brot / Bread / paine - 1 kg
Sonnenblumenöl / Sun flower oil / ulei - 1 Liter
Gouda -Käse / Gouda-cheese / cascaval - 1 kg
Eier / eggs / oua -1
Milch / Milk / lapte - 1 Liter
Frucht-Joghurt / Fruit-yoghurt / iaurt - 200 g
Butter / butter / unt - 250 g
Margarine / margarina - 250 g
Schweinsschnitzel / pork escalope / cotlet de porc - 1 kg
Faschiertes gemischt / minced meat / carne tocata - 1 kg
Schinken / ham / sunca - 1 kg
Erdäpfel / potatos / cartofi - 1 kg
Karotten / carots / carote - 1 kg
Bananen / bananas / banana - 1 kg
Trauben / grapes / struguri - 1 kg
Zitronen / lemons / limone - Stück / piece
Mineralwasser / mineral water - 1.5 Liter
Keks / cookies / biscuit - 100 g
Mehl / flour / faina - 1 kg
Zucker / Sugar / zahar - 1 kg
Reis / Rice / orez -1 kg
Sugo / tomato paste / bulion - 400 g
Orangensaft / orange juice / suc de portocale - 1 Liter
Cola / coke - 1,5 Liter
Bier / beer / bere - 1/2 Liter
Spaghetti - 1 kg
Kaffee / Coffee / cafea - 1 kg
Duschgel / shower gel - 100 ml
Seife / soap / sapun - 100 g
Zahnpasta / toothpaste / pasta de dinti - 100 ml
Klopapier 3-lagig / toilet-paper / hartie igienica - 1 Rolle
Glühbirne / light bulb / bec electric - Stück / piece
Geschirrspülmittel / dishwashing liquid -1/2 Liter
Kaffee im Café / coffee in a bar / cafea la bar - Tasse / cup
Bier im Beisl / beer in a bar / bere la bar - 1/2 Liter
Pizza 4 Stagioni in restaurant -
Diesel / motorina - 1 Liter
Strom / electricity / electricitate - 1 KWh
Zugfahrt / train ride / bilet de tren - 100 km
Theaterbesuch / ticket for the theatre / bilet pentru teatru - 1 ticket
geschätztes durchschnittsgehalt / estimated average income / salariu - monthly

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